My sister works at a local CBD store

My sister Kimmy works at a local CBD store here in the city and she really likes it.

She says that the CBD product store is hands down the best labor environment that she has ever had the opportunity to work in and all of the people there are super nice and friendly. It always makes me chuckle when she says stuff such as that because why wouldn’t the salespeople at cannabis dispensaries be friendly? They are literally toiling away in a store full of legal cannabis, legal pot, and legal cbd products that they can use at any time they assume prefer it. I suppose that it’s funny to suppose about being stressed out about the labor if you’re toiling at a recreational cannabis store. That has to be the most chill, laid back, fun and stress free labor environment that’s out there anywhere. Kimmy says that I’m crazy because they are easily not allowed to use any of their legal marijuana products at all while they are on the clock. They have to be fully alert and astute so that they can help all of the customers that come in to take advantage of all of the marijuana and cbd products that they have to offer. Kimmy said that if any of the employees are caught toiling while they have been using the recreational pot products, then they will get in pressing trouble. She told me that a single woman even got fired because of it. Kimmy says that since she likes her task so much, she would never take that chance! She waits until after labor to indulge in her legal cannabis products.


My sister works at a local CBD store