I think cannabis makes me better

I used to deliver pizzas, and because I never graduated high school, I thought that was all I would ever do. Don’t get me wrong, I actually kind of like it. I enjoy driving, being outdoors, and not having to sit behind a desk all day. As a huge fan of pizza, I also eat at work every single day I go in, which

me some money on groceries. The only problem comes when I think about the long term aspect, and if I would still be doing this is in ten years. Recently I moved up in the world, and started driving for a local marijuana dispensary instead of a pizza chain. The pay is a little better, the work is essentially the same, but my cannabis customers are so much nicer and more chill than my pizza customers used to be. I would say about 75% of the time when I make a cannabis delivery they will invite me inside to hang out, smoke, or have something to eat with them. No lie, cannabis customers are among the nicest people I have ever met. Of course I always refuse their kind offers, because part of the job is to never, under any circumstances, smoke marijuana while working. My boss told me that was cause for immediately dismissal, and would also prevent me from getting hired by either of the other marijuana dispensaries in town. I can never allow this to happen, because in addition to being super nice people, my cannabis customers also tip me way more than pizza fans ever did.

cannabis businessÂ