Safely enjoying cannabis

I have always been very careful where alcohol is concerned. My grandfather was a notorious drinker, to the point where he was sort of a local legend. During his time in France during World War II, he disappeared from the field of battle for two weeks, and was considered to have been a POW. Then they found him and a few buddies holded up in a wine cellar they had found, where they hid out and got smashed for a fortnight. That is a cool story, and I have told it more than once, but it does not address the ugly side of alcoholism. Seeing as how alcohol addiction has a genetic component, I have always preferred marijuana to alcohol, ever since I was back in high school. I never had a problem with people drinking beers or doing shots around me, I was just concerned I would get hooked, so cannabis was a safe alternative. I did a lot of research on marijuana and could find no scientific proof showing that it was addiction. For me, that is the biggest thing, because I want to have a good time for a short time, then go back to normal life, and marijuana gives me that. I can relieve some stress, relax, and have fun with cannabis, and not worry about being hopelessly addicted to it. If there are any people out there that have seen scientific proof that marijuana is particularly addictive, please share it I would like to read it. Until then I will keep safely enjoying my cannabis.

MJ hybrid