My brother is a driver for a nearby recreational cannabis delivery service

After my brother was laid off from his job last month, he has been struggling to find steady work.

On the one hand, he doesn’t have a partner or a family to support. However, that hasn’t done much to take the pressure off him as he looks down the barrel of the mortgage and car payment gun. He doesn’t want to default or lose his transportation and his home in one fell swoop. That’s why he spends several hours each day looking for job listings. He looks in the morning, early afternoon, and in the evening. Since job postings are posted in real time at any point in the day, you have to be aggressive if you want to jump on something before the job is grabbed by someone else. Thankfully he managed to find a part time job while he looks for something more stable and consistent. He’s a driver for a nearby recreational cannabis delivery service. He works for a cannabis dispensary company that has locations all over the state, as well as a free statewide delivery program. The job involves driving to customers’ homes and exchanging their items for cash. Sometimes my brother gets handsome tips, especially when he gets lucky enough to visit wealthy communities. Yesterday he got a $100 tip from a man who ordered nearly $800 worth of cannabis products. He bought everything from CBD oil and THC concentrates to cannabis flower products and edibles. Apparently this man makes an order like this at least once a month, and often my brother is lucky enough to be the one delivering the order to the man’s house. All in all, it’s a great part time job for my brother in his time of need.

recreational weed