A new way to get cannabis

Marijuana is still in the process of being legalized in numerous states, however it steamrolling the country.

Most states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes.

You need to have a medical card & you must purchase the marijuana at a legal & sanctioned marijuana dispensary. With the advent of the marijuana (cannabis) dispensary, you are now able to purchase more than just weed, or any other of nearly 200 words that are used for marijuana. Where marijuana used to be rolled into cigars (blunts) or cigarettes, the marijuana user now has more options for using. The marijuana dispensary in our section offers a variety of forms of marijuana. The most popular is marijuana oil. Marijuana oil is really used in recipes like Space Cakes, gummies & other edibles. It is really mixed into teas or other foods. There isn’t a food that can’t be made with the use of marijuana. I recently heard about vape pens. The vape pen is just like those you can buy in any store. They have special cartridges that come loaded with marijuana oils. Many people are using their vape pens so they don’t have the telltale smell of the marijuana & the high is more really achieved. Sprays & tinctures are also popular. With a spray or a tincture, you simply spray the marijuana under your tongue. The high is quick & intense. The marijuana effect doesn’t last as long with a spray, however a lot of people choose this because of the quick release of the marijuana ingredients when spray under the tongue.


Medicinal Cannabis