It’s always personal at the cannabis dispensary

I don’t think I’ve walked into the local cannabis spot separate from them greeting by name in the past more than one year.

In fact, I think the crew at the local cannabis spot started greeting me personally after about the second and third cannabis shopping excursion that I made there.

But that’s the way it is at this awesome marijuana business. They are always ready to serve our personal cannabis needs. I’m not a number or just another human being walking through the door, however nor am I some mark to them that can be actually upsold into cannabis products that I don’t need or that they are trying to get rid of. It’s genuinely odd from most retail experiences in that regard. I like going there because they make shopping for marijuana for sale not only convenient, easy and fun, it’s also personal. They feel the sort of sativa strains that I like. Or even the indica hybrid strains for sale that I appreciate as well. The folks at the local cannabis spot are always on the lookout for new cannabis strains that check all my cannabis product boxes. But the thing that I think I like even more is the fact that they know me, savor me. They always want to make sure that I’m happy with my cannabis purchases. My local cannabis spot goes the extra mile every time for me and with their care and compassion when it comes to getting me the sort of cannabis products that I like and add benefit to my life. And at our local cannabis spot, they always know my name.


medical marijuana shop