I asked for medical marijuana for my birthday.

My birthday was less than two weeks away, and my husband kept asking me what I wanted.

I told him I didn’t really want anything, but he wouldn’t drop the questions.

I was going to be seventy and over the last year, I had more aches and pains than I had in my entire life. After considering all my options and talking to some of my friends, I decided what I wanted. I told him I wanted medical marijuana for my birthday. He told me he could get me recreational marijuana, but medical marijuana required me getting a medical marijuana ID card and going to the dispensary. I told him he was funny. I knew what I needed to do to get medical marijuana. I wanted something that would help with all my aches and pains. I didn’t care if it was medical marijuana or recreational marijuana. As long as the marijuana helped me to feel better and get some sleep, I would be happy. We went to the recreational marijuana dispensary and I asked what the difference was between medical and recreational marijuana. Once I found out there was little difference, I asked if they had samples. She gave me a ten-pack of gummies she was sure would help with the pain. It was mostly CBD, which made me happy, but she was right. The CBD gummies helped better than the aspirin I took. I told my husband I was ready to get a medical marijuana ID card because it was cheaper than recreational marijuana. I went online to sign up for a medical marijuana ID card.

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