I truly enjoy working for the cannabis dispensary as a delivery driver

Working in a cannabis dispensary is not only a wonderful task, however a particularly sought after task.

Let me tell you something that you likely already realize based on proper sense. When you are out at a club or any type of celebration, chatting up someone attractive, plus they ask you what you do for a living, you should know not to tell them you actually deliver sandwiches. Men plus women, gay plus straight, young or old, no one alive will ever be even a little bit impressed that you are a food delivery worker. This will essentially guarantee you don’t get a phone number. The answer is not to lie about it or be completely dishonest, however to simply have a better task. In my particular case, I traded up from sandwiches plus now I actually deliver for a cannabis dispensary, plus there is a whole world of difference. Not just in tips, because cannabis clients tend to tip quite a bit, however also in the overall status of the work in general. Working in a cannabis dispensary is not only a wonderful task, however a particularly sought after task. I’d say on any given month roughly half of our cannabis dispensary clients ask myself and others about how they can get hired on to task at the locale. When I go out for drinks now I am happy to tell people what I do, because people seem to be completely fascinated by these current cannabis dispensaries that are coming up everywhere. They also expect me to be some type of expert in marijuana strains, plus the legality of cannabis legalization, plus usually I play along plus act kind of like I know what I’m talking about. I truly must say, getting hired on at the cannabis dispensary is the best thing that ever happened to me.


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