I did not even need to shine a light on the card

I labor security I am downtown recreational marijuana facility! Most of the time, my job is legitimately boring, sometimes there is a little bit of activity, then usually it’s a disgruntled employee or a customer that is out of hand.

Some of weeks ago, I was laboring on a Friday day when a young kid came in with a fake.

Since I labor in a recreational marijuana facility, the only thing necessary to enter the building is a driver’s license or military ID, however our clients are not required to have a medical marijuana card, which would nicely serve as a minute form of ID. Once in a while a fake ID legitimately gets through, but my eyes can abruptly spot them most of the time… The kid did not even look adore he was 21 years old! You have to be 21 to enter the store and buy marijuana products. The age on the ID was 26 years old. The ID might have been real, because the person in the picture looked a little bit adore the kid! It could have been his big brother or maybe even an older picture of his dad. Still, there was actually no way that ID belonged to that kid so I sent him packing. The kid put up a confrontation for nearly a half an hour before I threatened to call the police, but he was trying really hard to get into the store to buy some marijuana products. I sincerely felt a little terrible for the kid. If he can buy cigarettes, he should be able to buy marijuana as well.


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