Marijuana company SEO services refused to help me.

I got a bit snippy plus asked why she wanted to know

I was losing company right plus left plus I had to find some way to change the way things were going. I knew that I was getting more competition every month, plus I couldn’t afford to slash my prices anymore than I had. I had to pay my distributor, plus she had to pay the woman at the top. If I split prices too much, I would be totally out of business, then how would I support my family. I started looking for ways to not just get my outdated clients back, however to acquire modern clients along the way. When I called the marijuana company SEO services, I told them I needed to brand myself plus get some modern business. They asked me if I was a company woman plus I told them I was an independent sales lady. They asked how much currency I had to spend on SEO plus advertising. I could throw out a couple thoUSnd if necessary, although I was hoping to keep it a little less than that. She said her marijuana company SEO services may be able to help me, but she had to ask more questions. She asked about my permit to sell marijuana, plus I told her I had permission. She asked if I had a license. Of course I had a license or I wouldn’t be able to get back plus forth to work. She then wanted to recognize how much I grossed last year. I got a bit snippy plus asked why she wanted to know. That’s when she got snippy plus asked if I had a legal marijuana dispensary. If I didn’t have a legal marijuana dispensary, her marijuana company SEO services would not be able to help me.



marijuana business consulting service