Nothing better than cooking with cannabis

For me cooking was pretty much always a hobby & a way to keep my belly full, nothing more… A huge amount of my friends are truly into the art of cooking, so they take pictures & videos of their food to share on their social media… I just adore eating, & cooking is something I love to do.

During the COVID lockdown, I spent a lot more time in the actual kitchen, which resulted in both me becoming a great cook & me gaining weight. It didn’t help that most of what I was cooking wasn’t super healthy. I was into cooking with cannabis, & the main problem with that is that you eat, become stoned, & then get hungry once again! It wasn’t junk food, either, I didn’t prepare pot brownies or space cakes or anything sweet at all. I would do something similar to slow cooking a tomato sauce with ground beef & a selection of different ground herbs, spices, & cannabis buds. The resulting spaghetti meal was so delicious, & the cannabis so potent, that I ate the box of pasta, & enjoyed all of the sauce! Cooking with cannabis is essentially an endless cycle, as you eat & get munchies, then get the munchies again & again! My most enjoyed dish was to spend half the day working on this amazing garlic & cannabis infused butter. I have no way to measure the THC content of the butter to be honest, however it was super high. Then I would take the cannabis butter, spread it on a crusty loaf of bread, & have the most enjoyable garlic bread.
