It was not okay to have ganja smoke around the laundromat

I don’t have a washer and dryer on my property.

It genuinely costs $70 extra every single month to have a washer and dryer, and I most definitely can’t afford to pay the extra rent.

It basically costs about $40 to clean all of my pants, shirts, socks, and underwear that I take to the laundromat. Sadly, there are times when the laundromat is severely busy and filled with people. There are several laundromats in town, although I most often visit the one that is closest to our dwelling. It’s only a few blocks away, so I don’t have to agonize about getting a cab or an uber. I have a rolling laundry cart that makes it relatively straight-forward to take my clothing back and forth to the laundromat by my apartment. This past week, I went to the laundromat on my morning off. It was a Saturday and I did not expect the laundromat to be packed with people. There was a group of guys standing out front and they were all smoking cannabis products. They weren’t even trying to hide the pre-rolled marijuana cigarette. They stood there by the front door and the smell of marijuana permeated the entire laundromat. I was looking to complain about the terrible stench, however the group of guys appeared to be menacing. I had to use the washers and dryers on the other side of the laundry room, because I did not want all my clothes to smell exactly like marijuana products. If I went to my workplace smelling of weed, our boss would surely want to give myself and others a drug test. Apart from the fact that I would pass, it’s still a crucial pain in the butt.

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