I was very disappointed when the children snuck into my cannabis edibles

I pretty much always keep a couple of edibles on my desk at my residence.

I keep them in the top drawer so I can medicate with marijuana as I need to… My partner would go demented if I smoked a joint in the residence.

The edibles allow me to medicate without smelling up the residence while in the afternoon when I am working hard. I actually work online each and everyday from my house office plus I keep the door closed all the time. The kids aren’t easily permitted in my office plus they follow the rules respectfully. Until last weekend, I never had any complications at all. My son Joey is 12 plus he was looking to have a friend to spend the evening… Both of us never met the friend, but we definitely agreed to let Joey invite Max over for the evening. The teenagers were getting along splendidly plus playing video games for a good part of the evening. I was actually working for a few hours plus then my partner plus I went to the bedroom to watch a movie. I heard the teenagers downstairs doing something in the kitchen. I thought they were getting a snack which was common. They were in the kitchen for a long while, so I went downstairs to tell them it was time to go back to bed. They were relaxing on the kitchen floor with an entire turkey plus a bag of bread. They looked sort of like pets plus they were laughing out loud. I went to my office plus noticed that the door was pried open with a knife. The teenagers took medical marijuana edibles from my desk. I had to call Max’s dad to pick him up plus I had to explain how he was able to get into the medical marijuana edibles. I sure am thankful that his Dad wasn’t mad.

medical marijuana regulations