Better results with PTSD thanks to medical cannabis

I just wish that human experience didn’t include trauma.

But it does.

However those who suffer with PTSD have a strong tool in medical marijuana. This is something I know a bit about at medical marijuana benefits when it comes to my life. I am a survivor of a very random and very violent event. Living through that trauma has changed me forever. But that’s just life. Medical marijuana along with talk & group therapy if help me accept the new me. I’m not the person I was before my traumatic event. But a me that I can be comfortable with is now beginning to evolve from those ashes. Cannabis flower products were essential in helping me understand that I can move on from where I am. While PTSD may linger with me for a while to some degree or another, I have the power to continue. This has been the most powerful gift medical marijuana has given me. Cannabis flower products help me to be calm and know that I’m safe. Having spent so much time prior to therapy and treating with medical cannabis, I was convinced medical marijuana what help others as well as myself. Living through a traumatic event is never easy. It redefines who you are and what you stand for. But having some comfort and relief from medical marijuana has been something that it’s been such a benefit to me in my life. Cannabis flower products have allowed me to find comfort and a new way of life. That’s a great benefit to moving on with life and managing PTSD.


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