My PTSD improves with medical cannabis

I totally wish that human experience didn’t have to include trauma.

But it does. However those who suffer with PTSD have a pretty good tool in medical marijuana. This is something I actually know some about medical marijuana benefits when it comes to my life. I basically am a survivor of a genuinely random & genuinely violent event! Living through that trauma has changed my life forever. But that is just life. Medical marijuana along with talk & group therapy will help me accept the modern me. I’m not the old person I was before my traumatic event. But a me that I can be comfortable with is now shaping up from those ashes. Cannabis flower products were essential in helping me understand that I can move on from where I am in this life. While PTSD may linger with me for a while to some degree or another, I have the power to continue. This has been the most powerful gift medical marijuana has given me in my life. Cannabis flower products help me to be calm & I can know that I’m safe. Having spent so much time prior to therapy & treating with medical cannabis, I was pretty much convinced medical marijuana would help others as well as myself. Living through a horrific event is never easy. It redefines who you happen to be & what you stand for. But having a small amount of comfort & relief from medical marijuana has been something that’s been such a benefit to me in this life of mine. Cannabis flower products have allowed me to find comfort & a modern way of life. That’s a pretty amazing benefit to moving on with life & managing PTSD complications.



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