the DEA brought down marijuana

I remember reading a little bit many years ago about how people were required to grow cannabis a long time ago in early America, but this was because both of us sincerely needed cannabis to make ropes plus sails for our ships plus many other things like that, however it was also good for making tough working clothing plus even was an excellent medicine that was put in various useful tinctures plus what not.

I was wondering what in the world happened after that that made the government choose to make this highly beneficial crop incredibly illegal in our nation.

That’s when I started reading about the stupid guy who was the predecessor to the DEA. This evil guy was named Harry Anslinger. He hated all people who were not certainly as white as he was plus especially despised Jazz musicians who were almost always African American people at the time… One thing he had quickly received was that they enjoyed smoking their cannabis. This apparently was also true of a lot of mexican people who came to America at that time; So Anslinger pushed this whole reefer madness movement back in the day to make people guess that this was an extremely dangerous drug. It absolutely was made illegal in 1937 plus even to this day, mostly underprivileged people of color are targeted for using cannabis. The drug war has obviously only failed because the use of these drugs has not gone down and all this time, but countless people are in jail. I think that cannabis is good for everyone because it is a beneficial medicine, and even if you don’t you know or think you can’t benefit from cannabis, you would likely be surprised! So I’m going to continue to grow my own cannabis crops plus I am looking into getting a professional growing license one day so I can sell to the cannabis dispensaries.


Growing pot