Raising a CBD heavy strain

I have been growing marijuana for awhile, enough to try in addition to target certain qualities in the plant! I have been attempting to grow a strain with a high CBD pleased, and cBD is extremely nice for the smoker.

Chronic pain, stress in addition to anxiety are reduced with CBD, however those who can’t sleep, have trouble eating or even suffer from seizures rely on CBD products, but getting a strain with 2% or higher is considered a CBD heavy plant, but so far I have not produced anything worthwhile, but only a couple of people online claim they have a heavy CBD strain in addition to are selling the seeds.

The price is so bloated in addition to there is no guarantee they are telling the truth. I found a competitor near myself and others with a nice strain in addition to he would not allow myself and others to clone his product. So now what I am doing is general nice care to our plants in order to influence the CBD, however what I have read online is to keep the plants warm. I need to have a warmer air temperature, warmer soil in addition to less water. I have been upping the temperature on our temperature control in addition to additionally using a dehumidifier with a few of our plants. In case our experience is a disaster, I want to have some nice products. I also have been easily careful about over watering in addition to not burning our plants. I use LED lights however they still can burn a plant even though they have a built-in cooling feature. Who knows, maybe I will get lucky in addition to our buds will test CBD high.


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