Pain Relief is Important

It’s a nightmare for me to watch my mother suffer in so much pain.

She has a back injury and can barely get around.

Every 4or 5 weeks he has to be hospitalized so his back can get stabilized enough so that he will be less likely to lose the ability to walk. They take a lot of scans of his back, his neck, plus his legs whenever she’s at the hospital. It’s a strenuous experience to deal with; I feel useless plus always upset that something terrible might happen. Not only that, but when I’m walking through the halls of the hospital, I see plus hear patients in rooms writhing in terrible pain. Often I hear them cry out for help. I suppose it is terrible seeing so many chronic pain patients who are given medications that don’t constantly alleviate their pain well enough. For every guy who responds well to opioid pain medications, there are a slew of others who don’t. Aside from being a pothead myself, I want to see more people using cannabis so they can get the pain relief that they require. Marijuana can be used for everything from glaucoma relief to anxiety disorders. Many previous opiate users are using various forms of cannabis now as a way to stay off the hard drugs, but there are even more people using CBD right now because it isn’t psychoactive in the way that THC is – there is no high, in other words. I’m really prayerful that my mom can make use of the medicine in the way that others have. I’d do anything for these folks to lose their constant pain. It’s not tolerable that they’re left to suffer with only addictive pills to help. It’s an upsetting situation in every regard.

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