The application process for the company license was genuinely long and difficult

I had to talk with a recreational marijuana company consultant when I wanted to fill out an application for a company license, however i had a attractive product and I wanted to start selling recreational marijuana.

I thought I would be able to use the shed at our home to sell the products. Unluckyly, it is not genuinely that straight-forward, there is a lot of green tape and it can be hard to obtain a company license without millions and millions of dollars, then after speaking with a recreational marijuana company consultant, I quickly realized that it was going to cost too much money to start a recreational dispensary of our own. The recreational marijuana company consultant had some other superb ideas for our product… He hooked me up with numerous local dispensaries that wanted to sell our products. I featured the products last year in April and most people had generally positive reviews, then with the help of the recreational marijuana company consultant, now our marijuana strains are featured in 7 strange dispensaries throughout the coast. I didn’t have to spend our money millions and millions of dollars to start our own dispensary and the consultant helped me find a way to get what I wanted. It’s no wonder why there are so few dispeanries. It can be lavish to get the correct licenses and each year there are several fees that have to be paid to the state and local government officials. It made more sense to get our items featured anywhere than to go through the trouble of setting up our own store.

Medical marijuana business permit service