A cannabis dispensary near me

I got a deal on rent in a giant apartment building.

There is an outdoor pool, grilling area, hot tub and a huge gym inside.

There are also tons of activities and events going on in the facility. I lucked out with cheap rent since the apartment building was up and coming when I moved in. The only thing nearby was a bank and a dollar store. Now there are a few shops and restaurants. There is a bar that all the people from the apartment complex visit during the weekend. There is also a cannabis dispensary near me. That completely changed the name of the game. I love that the cannabis dispensary does offer cannabis delivery too. So instead of getting all fancy and spending tons of money at a bar, I can stay home for almost no money. My friends all come to my apartment since it has a great location. I place an order for cannabis delivery and we can all party at my place. Since most of the tenants aren’t in the building, I don’t feel bad about blasting music and making a night of it. I stock up on booze but most people use cannabis products. It is much easier dealing with people who are high vs drunk. Cannabis users tend to be more polite and less messy. I won’t be cleaning up spills, vomit and tripping over passed out people. Everyone just has a good time when smoking weed and it wears off after a few hours. Everyone then can leave my house so I can clean up and go to bed.


Medical Marijuana Certifications