CBD is something I will use for the rest of my life.

I think it sounds silly to say, however I wouldn’t go a day separate from using my CBD, then cBD has not only helped with headaches and body aches, but it has improved my quality of life! It amazes me how strange I think about life since I have been using CBD! Ever since I can remember, I have suffered with muscular aches and pains… My mother took me to the dentist trying to find out why I was suffering from pain, after all the xrays, testing, and other pictures they took,, the only thing the dentists could come up with was that it was either growing pains, or tendon troubles, then she sent me to physical therapy and I had to wear braces for a while.

The only real concern was that I still had the pain.

The dentist chose the most benign pain management program she could guess of, which was using CBD cream which I rubbed into the painful area several times a day. The CBD took a while to take effect, however I was soon feeling unquestionably little pain. Ever since that time, I have been using CBD for everything from leg cramps to migraines. I love topical creams which means I’m not digesting the CBD, but there is no THC in the CBD products, I don’t worry about there being any side effects. My mother was upset about my becoming addicted to CBD, but the dentist told her I could not get addicted to CBD anymore than I could to tylenol. I now think that CBD is something I will use for the rest of my life.

CBD Dispensary