Medical marijuana helps manage our back spasms

I’m so glad that I finally found something that worked for me.

But the fact that it was medical marijuana was a bit of a shocker. I entirely can’t guess that I’m using cannabis products to manage the debilitating back spasms that I’ve dealt with for such a long time. What started as the occasional spasm abruptly spiraled into a whole other realm of pain plus discomfort. It got to the point that I was afraid of moving from the bed just to go to the lavatory. That was no way to live plus the meds I tried from the doctor had varying degrees fo success. It was appreciate I was on a merry go round of specialists plus current medications. But nothing changed significantly. I might be able to manage a bit better for a few weeks but then it was right back to where I started from. Finally, I decided that perhaps I needed to take a bit more control of our treatment. After studying about the medical marijuana benefits for those with spasm, I was intrigued. In fact, I was hopeful enough to learn just how to get a medical marijuana card. That’s a large deal for myself and others as I’ve consistently been against marijuana. And that had everything to do with the truth that I never had real medical marijuana facts but rather myth plus misinformation. Once I started with the medical cannabis, I was so gratified to find that our range of motion began to improve separate from any spasm at all. Now, it hasn’t been straight-forward plus I’ve had to labor tough at managing this thing. But separate from the cannabis products, I’d still be flat on our back.

Medical Marijuana