Enhancing my focus thanks to cannabis products

Since I was a little girl I’ve dealt with ADHD or ADD.

I’m not particularly sure which is more relevant to describing my living situation.

Essentially, I have a truly strenuous time focusing on anything. Attending classes at School was just the toughest. By college, I was on so much medication just to be able to get my degree that I was almost a total zombie. At least that’s the way it felt to me. Beyond of the focus factor, I entirely particularly love the person I am. And that’s why I had such a strenuous time with medications. The pills made me think so unlike my natural self. For sure, there were plenty of times where a serious focus was pressing for me to have. But at what cost really? So as I closed in on thirty five, I decided that I’d do some research on alternative therapies. That’s when I was given cannabis products for help with focus. I had particularly stayed away from recreational marijuana products because I have always been particularly careful with anything I ingest. That went for alcohol as well. So I was shocked to learn that many people such as me had good results with cannabis products. I went to the local cannabis spot to speak with a weed expert. She was able to identify some hybrid strains for sale that were particularly helpful for folks she knew with ADHD. I have been using those hybrid strains for 6 months now and I think for myself however with a heck of a lot more focus. But the whole thing feels so much more natural than the prescription meds. Maybe because cannabis is natural, huh?

Cannabis edibles