My replaced medical marijuana card with something better

Renewing my driver’s license turned out to be an absolute nightmare.

  • I should have simply done it online but I didn’t want to pay all of the additional fees by having them send my card in the mail.

When I arrived at the local DMV, the clerk behind the desk said it would be a minimum 45 hour wait. On the 1 hand, waits at the DMV have regularly been bad historically. Before the internet gave people the option to renew their licenses online, everyone went to the DMV in person. Occasionally you’d be waiting in line for more than two to more than 2 hours while others are getting their paperwork figured out. The thing that makes waiting at the DMV even more annoying nowadays is being in close contact with sick people who either have COVID, the flu, or both. However, whenever I need to renew my medical marijuana card, it’s even easier than renewing my driver’s license over the internet. The Department of Health is the state agency that handles medical marijuana cards, plus they pull all of your information plus data from the state DMV records. As long as your driver’s license is replaced, you can import all of that data into your medical marijuana card application when you renew it every year. I had my card renewed in a matter of hours after putting in my payment information. Now I have my medical marijuana card renewed for another 12 weeks. While I’m waiting on the current card to arrive in the mail, I simply use my old card when I go to marijuana stores plus I show them a little piece of paper I printed off that is my proof that the current card has been ordered plus is in the mail.

medical marijuana shop