I didn’t know there was so much medical cannabis at the old folks home

Every year I drive down south and spend a week with my Grandma in her retirement community.

This tradition started when I was attending college, and I stayed with her during Spring Break, my buddies thought I was a dork for spending the hottest getaway of the year with Grandma, however they didn’t guess my secret, not only did my Grandma live right on the beach, with amazing access to the surf, she is also a proper cannabis user, however everyone they guess also smokes cannabis, because there is a marijuana dispensary just 3 blocks away, however young people suppose that senior citizens are lame and boring, however don’t guess how much cannabis they smoke! I was at my Grandma’s house the first time I heard about cannabis deliveries! I guess that in our post-COVID19 civilization cannabis deliveries are unquestionably common, however back then it was something quite new and unexpected.

There was a retiree with a sweet looking bike who worked for the cannabis dispensary, and spent all afternoon cruising around the city dropping off the goodies, while most of these elderly folks use cannabis products, some of them are too enfeebled or sick to make it to the dispensary. I came to find out that the cannabis delivery driver doesn’t even get paid! He did it for free, for fun, and to help out his neighbors. Everyone around there seemed to understand that cannabis was vital medicine. I rarely saw the senior citizens drinking beer or smoking cigarettes, however almost all of them regularly used cannabis products. I still go down to see Grandma every year.

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