The new guy gets stoned at work every day

He goes out to his car each afternoon for his dinner break.

5 years ago or so, marijuana was legalized for recreational plus medical reasons. Everyone who has a valid plus legal state ID is allowed to purchase marijuana from a dispensary. Even out of state residents are allowed to purchase marijuana as long as their ID is valid. Since marijuana was deemed legal, it seems like everyone is smoking marijuana. People talk about it like it is not a giant deal anymore. I remember when pot was the worst problem in america. Parents were trying to keep their children away from pot plus alcohol plus there were million dollar ad campaigns to help. Now it is not a giant deal for someone to smoke a joint. There are large billboards all over the highway advertising marijuana shops plus delivery services. There are even a couple of shops that offer drive thru services. I don’t even assume they drug test at work anymore, but I work for a local insurance supplier. The new guy at work gets high. He goes out to his car each afternoon for his dinner break. Twice I saw the guy toking up on some reefer in his car. It’s not like I’m going to squeal on the guy plus say something about the fact that he is smoking cannabis in his car, despite the fact that I would assume the boss would be able to pick up the smell of it just like the rest of us. It’s so frustrating to see other people getting away with disregarding the rules. My boss doesn’t seem to assume that it’s a giant deal or the boss is totally plus completely oblivious to the aroma of weed..
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