The local weed store chose to stop carrying my CBD product

I have been in search of my CBD products for a pretty long time. I had been using a medical marijuana product that is more than nine times the amount of CBD as there is THC. I had no feelings of experiencing a high, except those that came from the lack of pain. I was experiencing hardly any pain, and enjoying life again. Fibromyalgia isn’t a disease that people can see with their eyes. It is essentially like muscular back pain. You don’t seem as though you should be feeling pain, so some people believe you are faking it. When I was prescribed medical marijuana, the doctor told me to get a product that was mostly CBD. I found a product at the local medical weed store and took it back to my residence. A month later, I was walking better, and I could rest for longer than an hour before needing to move. My child asked what was going on with my situation, because I wasn’t so mean. I told him it was because I was now using CBD. Weeks later, they discontinued the CBD product I was using. I was frantically searching every medical weed store within fifty miles of my residence, but none of them had the CBD product. I didn’t know for sure what I was going to do. One medical marijuana dispensary supervisor told me about another product. I would need to be more careful with it. It had a bit less CBD, but it was still several times more CBD than THC. I bought the product, and I am now feeling greater than ever, but I need to use less or I get high.


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