I'm entirely cheerful that the stigma on cannabis use is eroding

Just like mental health, there has been a stigma surrounding cannabis use that goes back at least a century.

  • With mental health though, the stigma goes back thousands of years.

For a long time anybody who was mentally ill was deemed possessed by demons by the church. It’s entirely unfortunate imagining all the people who are condemned to a life of suffering in the years past just because of a medical problem, but then again, the same thing happened to people who were born deformed or with other physical disabilities. We take it for granted these afternoons how accepting a lot of groups of people seem to be & suppliers and public spaces. There’s a long way for us to come in accepting the disabled equally, however it’s entirely an improvement for sure. Along with the social stigma neighbord with mental health, the social stigma neighbord with cannabis use is also cutting down over time. When I was a child cannabis was considered a gateway drug to harder drugs like cocaine or heroin. We had to go to these classes where guidance counselors would try to scare us against using the plant. There was a little bit of education regarding alcohol abuse, however not nearly as much as what was focused on marijuana. These afternoons over 40% of adults disclose to using cannabis from time to time. That’s a sizable improvement in the social stigmas neighbord with cannabis use, and now lots of people are cheerful to use it since cannabis products are legal in so many places as well.



recreational cannabis