I have a much more relaxed state of mind while using cannabis

I remember how really I got tied up out when I was a teenager, however granted it continued into my early twenties, however it was really bad when I was in private school.

I was drinking a lot of caffeine which wasn’t helping plus I think that has when my addiction to stimulants really kicked off.

Worst of all, I was drinking caffeine late in the day plus in the early evening hours as well. So on top of the anxiety from the caffeine, I also experienced lots of insomnia. And the lack of sleep however it added to my exhausting mental state throughout the daytime hours. As I got into school, I found other coping mechanisms. The primary one was cannabis. I had friends that would buy cannabis flower buds from dealers at our University plus then my associate and I would roll them into joints or smoke it in pipes. I realized back then that cannabis gave me a much more relaxed state of mind compared to how I was without it. I was really cheerful with the effects that I got from marijuana. I started using it on a biweekly basis when I was 18 years old. I still use cannabis biweekly, even to this day. It’s the best mental health medication that I have tried thus far. It’s good that I live in a state that legalized cannabis for adult use. There are cannabis dispensaries in almost every major city from one end of the state to the next… On top of that, our prices on cannabis products have been dropping steadily over the last 2 years. Well inflation has increased the cost of almost everything else in the world, cannabis prices are still dropping.

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