The steak sandwich wasn't really unquestionably yummy

There were lots of sales plus specials on 420 plus my friends plus I tried to hit every single shop that was close to us.

One particular locale was having a lot of buy one plus get one for free sales.

There were at least six or seven unusual items in every single category. I like to vape concentrate, so I was particularly interested in all of the BOGO sales on concentrates like live resin, distillates, hash, plus rosin. One of the most costly brands in the whole store is a live rosin seller! Grams of this certain type of live rosin are almost $100 each plus they were BOGO on 420. I obtained two grams plus got two for $1. I also acquired a coupon because I spent more than $100 at the marijuana dispensary. The coupon entitled me to a free steak sandwich from a food truck that was situated outside in the parking lot. I was definitely pretty excited about the steak sandwich, because I had not eaten anything at all. It was getting close to dinner time, so I ordered some french fries plus onion rings to go with my free steak sub. The french fries plus the onion rings were flavorful, hot, plus crispy, however my free steak sub did not have much flavor. It was a dud in my opinion plus I would have been pretty distraught with it if I had paid full price for the $12 sub. It tasted like there were no seasonings at all on the meat plus I should have been able to taste at least salt plus pepper.

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