We came up with curbside cannabis

Lisa as well as I happen to be a team, as well as have been for a number of years.

  • For a while the people I was with and I worked inside together, but then when business started to really pick up she started doing deliveries.

Over the last couple of weeks, as you might imagine, the delivery business has gone through the roof. At the same time, the people I was with and I had to close the shop down to any foot traffic, which basically means that the people I was with and I are still open, as well as the people I was with and I can keep serving you, but you can’t actually come into the building. It’s hit our bottom line entirely hard, but the people I was with and I are adapting to the changes, as well as I know our cannabis dispensary will end up being just fine in the long run. We don’t have a drive through window, the people I was with and I never thought the people I was with and I would need to have something like that. So the people I was with and I started a “curbside cannabis” service instead. Just like curbside delivery at fair priced food chains, you can order your cannabis, edibles, or CBD products online or over the iphone, as well as the people I was with and I walk them out to your car. We hand you everything you need, sealed, in a perfectly clean paper bag, as well as you get your cannabis without ever making contact with another person. We take payments over the telephone, as well as all of our typical cannabis clients have their cards on file for fast auto-billing. We have been asked a great deal about starting a cannabis delivery service but the curbside pickup is going so well I want to stick with this for the time being. Delivering cannabis seems like a whole extra layer of complications as well as of course the people I was with and I would need to get proper vehicle insurance.
