That “high” feeling

The subject of dealing drugs has been a political hot button issue for some time now. Everyone seems to agree that an entire illegal industry centered around drugs is a bad thing for society. I happen to be of the opinion that if certain drugs were no longer illegal that the criminal industry around them would vanish overnight. How many moonshiners got put out of business because the government overturned Prohibition and legaled the booze once more? Most of them did, I would bet you money, and the same thing would happen today if we legalized recreational marijuana use. If every person was allowed to grow one or two cannabis plants at home, for their own personal use, then how could people keep illegally selling it? Business is all about supply and demand, and the demand for cannabis has been strong for decades now. The war on drugs obviously didn’t win any victories or solve any problems, especially when it comes to marijuana. However, if we were to flood the market with more cannabis than there was demand, drug dealers would stop turning a profit. Of course there would still be some marijuana dealers out there acting above the law, but it would be such a huge decline from where we are now. Think of all the money our local authorities would save by not wasting it chasing and prosecuting cannabis users! This is one of the main reasons that I think all of society would benefit from the legalization of both the medical and the recreational use of marijuana.

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