Moving comes with access to cannabis dispensary

It’s really a bonus to have this relocation be to a state where medical marijuana and recreational marijuana are both legal.

That’s something that comes as sort of an added bonus to what I hope becomes a great chapter in my life.

I’m making a bit of a lateral career move these days but it’s with the intention of further my career but elsewhere. And if I can go to the local cannabis spot as well, then I’m doing pretty good. The fact was that it was time for a new place and a new start. My marriage ended and ended badly. That was something that was so blindsiding and out of the blue. It was like one day thing were okay and the next she told me it was over. This was the same person who I met in college over a pot brownie session. I had finally learned how to properly prepare some pot brownies and she happened to be visiting my neighbor. This time, I figured out how to infuse the marijuana and its THC content into the oil used for making the brownies. That was the trick and those edibles were out of sight. So hopefully, maybe I’ll meet someone nice at the local cannabis spot who might like to share a cannabis edible. I’ve only been here a few months so I’ve only been to the local cannabis spot a few times. But man, the folks there are all so kind and good people. Plus, they have the most amazing variety of cannabis products ever.

Cannabis cafe