Know the recreational cannabis laws

I find it funny how uneducated people are about cannabis.

I am the only one in my friend group that lives in a recreational cannabis state. None of them have gone through the process to be medical marijuana patients either. So they know next to nothing about weed. When they visit me they want access to legal weed. It is funny to me that they think they can just grab whatever they want. There are limitations on how much weed you are allowed. It isn’t like buying pants or apples at the grocery store. There are regulations. I had a friend that wanted to ride bikes to the dispensary. You aren’t allowed to put your cannabis in a pocket or a bike basket. They need to be in a sealed and locked trunk when you leave. That is the law after all. Another buddy of mine wanted free samples at the dispensary. It isn’t a cheese and wine store! You can’t just test the product there. They don’t offer edibles on a tray. You aren’t allowed to consume edibles on the premises. The only exception is if the dispensary has a vape lounge. That is where you buy the product and then smoke it in their designated area. There are also dab bars that technically aren’t a part of the dispensary. That is as close as you can get. Other than that you are buying a product, locking it away and then consuming it in your home. It isn’t a wild or crazy buying experience. It is taxed, regulated and monitored.

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