The best reason to move was recreational marijuana sales

I grew up in the sticks, about 5 miles away from the nearest civilization.

In the winter months, I had to take a snowmobile to school because the roads were impossible.

I had to deal with winter snow conditions every year growing up. It was nice to go outside and ski or go sledding, but I hated when the snow started to melt and everything around me was a muddy mess. When I was in high school, I spoke with a job career specialist and took an aptitude test to see what I might be good at. I did pretty well in all of the technical areas. The job career specialist that I might be well suited for a career working with my hands. After school was over I applied to go to school at the technical college near me so I could study HVAC work. It took me 16 months to complete the program and after that I passed my certification test. I took a job working for a local repair shop. I stayed there for a couple of years. My boss offered to give me a promotion, but I had to move to a different state to head up the department there. The promotion sounded like a great job offer and one of the best reasons to move was recreational marijuana sales. The new state had legal recreational marijuana sales and I love to smoke pot. I often worry about smoking pot and getting in trouble at work, but living in a state with legal recreational marijuana sales definitely makes me feel more at ease.

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