Nobody has time for serious pain

There was genuinely no way that I was going down the path of pain meds, and that’s just what was happening to me.

Because I couldn’t get a good diagnosis and anything else but pain meds, I made the choice that medical marijuana was worth a look.

I’m in my late thirties but have young children. So I honestly was thinking my pain was just because I wasn’t getting the sort of sleep I needed, but that didn’t seem to be the complication because even with changes to my schedule, I was still dealing with all sorts of pain. As I was saying before, the doctors just could not tell me what was wrong exactly… And I got passed off to weird doctors far too often. So after a couple of years of dealing with all of this, I felt like an alternative treatment was necessary. So I did my due diligence and got as much medical marijuana information as I could. Learning how to get a medical marijuana card in this state wasn’t all that hard either to be honest. Getting through the marijuana regulations were pretty straightforward and clear cut. It just seemed to me that since medical cannabis was legal in our state, why not provide it a try. I definitely was ready to get off the circus that was pain medication. I hated the side effects and felt like I was becoming more and more dependent on chemicals. So I was entirely pleased when I started using cannabis flower products and saw practically immediate results, however medical cannabis helps me manage my condition by easing my symptoms while decreasing my range of motion! With two little children, I do not have time for chronic pain.


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