Rainy weather makes me feel weary plus depressed

I never very wanted to transport to a location where it rains all of the time.

My bestie plus I had been together for 8 months when he got a job in the Pacific northwest, but i didn’t want the two of us to cut up, so I decided to transport with him, then about 6 months after my associate and I got to the area, my bestie asked me to marry him.

I thought my associate and I were eventually going to go back to the midwest, however I knew that a proposal meant that my associate and I were going to stay there. My bestie wanted to look at houses. My associate and I ended up buying a condo plus after that I had two adolescents plus I was stuck living here where it rains all of the time; The only fantastic thing about living here is the fact that recreational marijuana is legal! Sometimes when I feel depressed, I smoke a bowl of recreational marijuana! Recreational marijuana makes me feel much more calm plus relaxed plus I don’t worry so much about the rain when I have a fantastic buzz. Recreational marijuana is legal in the entire State plus that means that prices are relatively low. In this part of the country, prices on marijuana are cheaper than most of the other states with legal weed, one afternoon I hope that my fiance plus I will be able to return to the Midwest plus stay for a while. I might have to wait until my associate and I retire. At least I get to visit as often as I want plus my parents are just a two hour plane ride away.


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