I was totally blown away by these Cannabis Dispensaries

I’ve regularly been an appreciative Cannabis smoker, long before it was ever made legal in numerous states.

The thing I never enjoyed was that paranoid feeling whenever you would see the police around, or having to deal with drug dealers that you didn’t meet before.

You basically felt as if you couldn’t trust a soul, and you were lucky if you were able to find people you absolutely could trust to any degree. I remember this wonderful buddy of mine told myself and others about a bad experience with a drug deal gone bad. Basically they were getting a certain amount of Cannabis from some shady guys, they handed over the currency however didn’t get the Cannabis. The gentlemen ripped them off and started running. My buddy at the time was in his car looking out and ended up smashing his car into another car to try to stop them from taking off with the currency. He drove that car around for a while with it being bashed up enjoy that. I guess he told his parents that he hit a deer or something such as that. The only drug I ever liked was Cannabis, and I regularly wished they would just legalize it for good, since it was hardly dangerous at all. Eventually when they came out with Cannabis Dispensaries, I was blown away for real. This was something enjoy a dream come true! Never have I seen such elegant selections of waxes and numerous extracts along with some of the most potent flowers I had ever come across. I very much was a child in a candy store when I got my medical marijuana card. I pray and hope that eventually, Cannabis becomes legal everywhere.

Medical marijuana