I wouldn’t have my CBD salesman job if I wasn’t working at a gas station

Working at a gas station was honestly not something that I had ever planned on doing… I guess that’s a foolish thing to say, who in their right mind ever made working at a gas station an actual part of their life plan? Like anybody else I just ended up working there, and after that I ended up staying for quite some time. They let me actually work the graveyard shift, and it was fairly straight-forward. I got to focus on reading and online classes, so it wasn’t terrible. I grew up in a time when anything related to marijuana was entirely demonized, so you could have knocked me over with a feather when we started carrying CBD oil vape cartridges at the gas station. It didn’t take long to learn the difference between smoking cannabis and utilizing CBD oil. It is a pretty major difference. I even made the choice to try the CBD chewables out for myself, and within a day I started feeling a great deal better! I wasn’t sick or anything but it seemed as though the CBD chewables helped me ease my stress… After that I started recommending them to various people, and a few weeks later the CBD sales rep saw me in action and offered me a job as a CBD sales worker. A month later I was out on the road, visiting the same kind of gas station where I used to work and pitching them on a whole line of excellent CBD products. I am ecstatic that ended up at that gas station otherwise I wouldn’t have found my true calling selling CBD oils and distillate out on the road.

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